Informed Consent



Informed Consent

Informed consent in spiritual guidance, counseling, and psychotherapy is essential and respected. You as a spiritual seeker or client have the right to choose, decide self-autonomy, and self-determination. Consent must be given voluntarily, knowingly, & on the basis of being fully informed. You have the right to discuss topics of real concern. You have the right to change your mind & withdraw informed consent at any time, terminate session, or refuse a particular treatment method.


In spiritual guidance, counseling, and psychotherapy there is a partnership between spiritual seeker/client and healer/counselor. Spiritual guidance, counseling and/or psychotherapy is an opportunity for the client to build resilience and attain self-actualization. In this process and journey of building resiliency, clients will discover their ability to bounce back, grow, or rebound from life’s challenges and difficulties. Empowering you to be self-determined in the challenges and difficulties life presents. In order to reach self-actualization and healing of the soul. 


Dual Relationships

Dual Relationships – Western cultural psychology – not condoned; Dual Relationships – Cultural psychology with cultural competency and humility – within its limits.


I have reviewed the informed consent information, and acknowledge its validity for 2 months. I understand that I can withdraw consent at any time with written/email authorization. I accept & acknowledge this informed consent agreement solely on the basis of receiving spiritual healing, counseling, psychotherapy, and/or coaching. New number: 561-581-4344